{PROJECT_NAME} <> Hats.finance: Proactive security for smart contract

This is a proposal for {PROJECT_NAME} to collaborate with Hats.finance to create a hacker/auditors incentive pool to protect the {PROJECT_NAME} contracts.

The goal of the vault is to incentivize vulnerability disclosure for {PROJECT_NAME} smart contracts while farming rewards in the form of hats tokens.


Hats.finance is a proactive incentive protocol for white hat hackers and auditors, where projects, community members, and stakeholders incentivize protocol security and responsible disclosure.

Hats creates scalable security vaults using the project’s own token. The value of the bounty increases with the success of the token and project. In addition, NFT artists have pledged assistance and will create numerous unique NFTs that will be minted for Hackers or Auditors that l responsively disclose vulnerabilities.

Hats. Finance offers every participant in the Ethereum ecosystem the opportunity to have some skin in the game and create a more secure future for the users of #Ethereum.

Hats.finance mechanism:


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